Breaking Barriers and Enhancing Visibility: Shipping and Logistics with Collaboration Tools in MTS


With a legacy of 26 years, our client is a trendsetter in the Shipping and Logistics industry. The company boasts state-of-the-art offices nationwide and a track record of successfully delivering hundreds of projects globally. However, with the evolving landscape of the digital world, the client faced challenges in maintaining efficient internal & external communication, dealing with traditional approaches, and adapting to the changing dynamics of the logistics and supply chain industry.

Traditional Approaches
  • Reliance on On-Site meetings and telephonic communication.
  • Extensive, repetitive paperwork and documentation.
Workflow Inefficiencies
  • New employees navigate their organisation vertically, leading to a lack of pipeline awareness.
  • Travel-related expenses and time wastage due to lack of approval management.
  • Manual recording leads to bottlenecks due to dependency on individual users.
  • Difficulty in identifying and collaborating with the right people.
Visibility and Reporting
  • Management / Stakeholders are left out of the loop, only to discover issues at the end.
  • Time-consuming report generation and presentations.


Recognizing the need for digital intervention and a more systematic approach, our client turned to My Ticket Solutions to address these challenges and bring about a positive transformation to streamline communications and increase efficiency in their operations.


With our Employee and Vendor Module, MTS ushered in a new era for the client by providing a platform for online communication and collaboration. The platform eliminated the need for redundant travel, reducing costs. Onboarding became simplified, empowering users to grasp the system effortlessly. An increased visibility on the process pipeline helped stakeholders recognise and fix operational bottlenecks. MTS introduced bulk activity assignments, streamlining the process of obtaining rates from vendors and facilitating cost optimizations.

With My Ticket Solutions, the fog of uncertainty lifted, enhancing transparency and clarity. With drill-down reports, users gained unprecedented insight into ongoing activities. The Turnaround Time (TAT) and Trigger system provided a competitive edge by alerting the management to take timely action.

My Ticket Solutions Challenge
1. Digital Communication and Collaboration

MTS(EV) introduced an online platform for internal and external communication.

Reduced reliance on in-person meetings, saving on travelling costs and reducing the learning curve.

My Ticket Solutions Challenge
2. Enhanced Visibility and Transparency:

MTS eliminated the opacity in task assignments and progress tracking.

Drill-down reports provided clear insights into ongoing operations.

My Ticket Solutions Challenge
3. TAT and Trigger System

Implemented a Turnaround Time (TAT) and trigger system for proactive issue resolution.

Empowered the management and auditors to take timely actions based on real-time insights.

My Ticket Solutions has not only addressed the immediate pain points of the client but has set the stage for continuous efficiency, cost savings, and digital transformation in the dynamic world of shipping and logistics. The client now stands well-equipped to navigate the challenges of the digital era with confidence and a clear vision for the future.